Sugar dating is fast becoming one of the the most popular ways that people are choosing to date today as it offers a flexibility and freedom that matches the fast pace at which we are now living.

In recent years however it seems sugar dating sites have got embarrassed about themselves making it difficult for people to choose the right platform. 

Whats happened to Sugar Dating? 

Well a lot has happened and most of it unfortunately negative. Although millions of people world wide sugar date the main platforms have gone to great lengths to distance themselves from what they actually are which is a sugar dating site. The big player seeking has rebranded and goes to great lengths to say ” we are not a sugar dating site ” when everyone knows they are. Other popular sites such as Secret Benefits use multiple alias sites to funnel you to their members data base.

Only one platform out of the top nine was openly encouraging to sugar daters and that was a relatively new start up Adult Arrangements.

So to help you make a decision on what site best suits you, we have listed the pros and cons of the best 9 sugar dating sugar sites in Australia.

So Let’s Begin …

If you are a veteran sugar dater or new to the sugar lifestyle we want to save you time and money and take the guess work out of what platform you choose to date from as you could be disappointed by the restrictive practices that some now employ.